Sunday, June 21, 2015

C# Homework : Working with variables, operators, and expressions

Set 01

01. Create a console application to print “Assalamu alaikum.” or any other preferred greetings in console window.

02. Create a console application to print your name in console window.

03. Create a console application to print 3 arbitrary numbers separated by space.

04. Create a console application to print 3 arbitrary numbers separated by tab space.

05. Create a console application to print 3 arbitrary numbers separated by newline character.

06. Create a console application to print 3 arbitrary numbers each in a new line.

07. Create a console application. In it declare 3 variables to store 3 integer numbers and then print them in console window.

08. Create a console application which will take the name of user as input and then print greetings (Assalamu alaikum/any other greetings) followed by the name provided by user.

09. Create a console application to print the following text exactly-

           The term “keyword” means reserved words by any programming language.

10. Create a console application to store a double value in a variable and print the variable value upto two decimal places.

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